Sunday, December 30, 2012

Unbelievable experience of a novel writer in a new-age shop!

Walking by this new-age shop, I felt compelled to enter. While this wasn't my first trip to what I would call a new-age style store, this one was different, somehow I felt drawn in by an irresistible force! As I entered I was greeted, and surrounded by a nicely laid-out collection of wares in a modern, very clean and neat layout. I noticed the shop owner as she was busy stocking the shelves with new items and I caught a glimpse of several customers milling around. But what really grabbed my attention was what on the wall to my left... several human-like clay or ceramic heads on their own individual pedestals. There was something rather strange about these, they seemed to be alive. Nothing overly obvious, but the feeling you get when you realize that someone is watching you. Moving towards the center of this intriguing shop, I started examining several items displayed on wooden crates. While, at the time, they appeared very interesting, I can no longer remember exactly what the were, because I quickly became distracted. Moving slowly, but purposely towards me was a dog. A dog that I realized belonged there just as some book stores have resident cats. This dog stopped several feet in front of me. And what was soon to take place had a very powerful effect on me. (I don't drink much but maybe now I'll start) As I looked at the dog, who appeared to be a golden retriever, I had this strange feeling that he was really a Hedgehog! But I didn't let that slow me down. I slowly reached out and petted this dog (or hedgehog) on the head while saying to the shop-owner: “I normally don't pet strange dogs, but he looks friendly” to which the hedgehog dog replied in a loud voice, more for the benefit of the shop-owner and other customers than for me: “I normally don't let strange humans pet me but he looks friendly!” This happened to me several weeks ago in a dream. Not just any dream, but a very powerful life-like dream. I'm considering turning this into the beginning of a novel. How many experiences have you had in your life that should be turned into a book? Here's how you can pull that book out of the deep recesses of your mind and maybe soon see it spotlighted on the shelf of a bookstore:

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